The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

Go to next entry #2
Note: This is the 1th entry in the list and not the 1th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a serial number.

'1st Prototype' Apple-1 - number 1 in the Registry

1 picture published.


Hand wired

Serial number, stamp, label

no number on the back




Might no longer exist.


Article and Pictures


It is the first prototype hand wired by Steve Wozniak.Steve used point to point soldered wiring rather than wire wrap because it was easier to follow the wiring once built up.
The prototype is shown in an early video by Steve Wozniak himself (Video section of this page). In an interview Woz talked about th upper board you can see in pictures. There are 4 white 2 KB EPROMs and that's how he developed BASIC and other routines of the Apple-1


At one time in Apple Computer's History display - Woz indicates that the current location is unknown. It is possible that a second unit was built - Woz's memory is hazy about number he made.An early Apple employee mentioned that there was a fire in Woz's garage at one point, and it may have been destroyed.


no auction


A hand wired prototype of the Apple-1. Only one transformer and Sprague Atom capacitors.Everything else is what you can find in the production run units.


Youtube video with the prototype

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Last update

Oct 20, 2021

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

Mar 23, 2018: Website(s)
Mar 24, 2018: Description
Apr 02, 2018: Description
Nov 16, 2020: History, 1 picture(s) added, components added
Nov 16, 2020: Components

Change log for all Apple-1.

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