The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

Go to previous entry #23   -   Go to next entry #25
Note: This is the 24th entry in the list and not the 24th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a serial number.

'Winston Gayler' Apple-1 - number 24 in the Registry

1 picture published.


1st batch

Serial number, stamp, label

Likely the handwriting of Steve Jobs
List of all serial numbers.


USA, CA, San Jose
History San Jose


Existence verified. In a museum. According to pictures.


Working condition


History San Jose

Serial number on the back

The serial number on the back of the Apple-1 was most likely written by Steve Jobs. According to available information, a forensic analysis has not yet been performed for this Apple-1. However, for some other Apple-1s with a serial number on the back it has been confirmed that it is Steve Jobs' handwriting. More information.

Museum's website

History San Jose including many detailed pictures.


Restoring the Apple-1
Restoring the Apple-1


Mounted on a wooden board. A mix of DRAM. All modification were done by first owner. Metal strip glued on both PROMs as a heat sink. This work was done by first owner as well.


On March 2nd 2018 Curator Cate Mills wrote to us (thanks for the update):
Information Purchased from Winston Gayler by Computer History Association of California (now defunct). This occurred due to a donation by Larry Tesler (at one time, chief scientist of Apple) in late 1993 or early 1994. Displayed at FRYs in the late 90s" is likely correct.
The CHAC materials were donated to the Perham Foundation BEFORE all of this collection came to History San Jose in 2003. The Perham Foundation no longer exists, and the remains of that collection are with several different museums, including ours and the Computer History Museum.
Powered up and operated in May 2013 in a documented news story (San Jose Mercury). Woz and a number of other people and Apple 1s were present.


no auction


White ceramic MOS 6520 CPU, white ceramic Synertek S6820 PIA, 8 KB mix of plastic and ceramic DRAM. Power supply.


Original Apple Cassette Interface, huge keyboard and documentation still with this unit


Breadboard is populated with some components.Additional wires on the back. Mounted together with power supply on a wooden board. Signed 6/18/2013 by Wendell Sander and Steve Wozniak.

Last update

Nov 16, 2021

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

May 28, 2019: Website(s). Museum's website added
Jun 23, 2019: State
Jun 11, 2021: Website(s)
Nov 16, 2021: Working condition

Change log for all Apple-1.

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